Naked Man . . . Now Streaming On Amazon!
Trapped elevator riders, bank robbery hostages, a lost love, a street full of onlookers. All asking the same question: But why is he naked?
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The Naked Man Comedy Series – In A World Full Of Danger, A Hero Arrives. But Why Is He Naked?
Executive Producer Christian Monzon
Written, Produced and Directed by Adam Fike
Producer – Jacob Welshans
Producer – Karryn Christopher
Cinematographer – Mark Ryan
Sound – Amanda Beggs
Production Assistant – Nick Baird
FEATURING – Christian Monzon, Sam Ball, Ben Begley, Jeni Sue Birnbaum, Brynna Campbell, Derek Carter, Renee Dorian, Stephen B. Ensuf, Jeremy Flora, Barnaby Gallagher, Elizabeth Graham, Ned Hosford, Bryan Kirkwood, Lauren Leonelli, Asher Levine, Brigett Fink Levine, Sam Levine, Jerry Meadors, Fred Ochs, Steven Randolph, Jordan Rennick, Sam Shokati, Tina Shults, Maz Siam, Art Tebbel, Luciana Terroni, Jacob Welshans, Kasey Wilson
There’s original music, comedy and more on Wyndotte Street (
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