Billy Tupper . . . Now On Amazon!

Join Billy, the world’s kindest, dumbest, most enthusiastic fighter, as he takes on an entire gym full of trained killers in one night.

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Man grins as boxer takes a beating
The mob boss feels the fight will be over soon. Wyndotte Street original series.

Billy Tupper’s Knockout Bout: Fighters Fight. Even Bad Ones.

Produced By Christian Monzon

Written & Directed by Adam Fike

Director Of Photography Mark Ryan

Original Music Chad Olivera

Associate Producer Dick Beck

Associate Producer & Fight Choreographer Don King Jr.

Production Sound Mixer Kevin Bellante

Boom Operator Tamara Gajic

Associate Producer & Voice Talent Coordinator Brigett Fink

Dream Voices: Melinda Blum, Benjamin Dematoff, Asher Levine, Sam Levine, Jill Franklin

Fight Makeup Norell Elnadov

Featuring:  Pam Xiong, Katherine Stevens, Eric Sorensen, Maz Siam, Owen Robinson, DC Porter, Daniel Park, Fred Ochs, Michael Mcknight, Alessandro Mastrobuono, Sean Marin, Kate Luyben, Charlie Liang, Anastasia Kondratyeva, Don King Jr., Ashley Harris, Ryan Haley, Luis Figueroa, Blake Boyd, Jefferson Black, Dick Beck, Christian Monzon

Filmed On Location, Venoms Boxing Club, Sun Valley, CA

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