Snobby Robot is a great site that covers filming in digital, new media and the entire web series community. They’ve given us a little more space to spout off about some of the things we’ve learned over the years while building Wyndotte Street. We don’t claim to know it all (at all), but we’re happy to share our experiences.
This time around we wrote about that horribly worried feeling in your stomach in the middle the night before you have to be up extra early to finally start shooting this thing you’ve worked so incredibly hard putting together. Spoiler alert: It’s all going to be ok. If you relax. You can handle anything the day throws at you. Because this is the fun part.
“So you plan, and make lists, and plan, and double check, and make another list. It’s human nature to try to visualize every detail. To reassure yourself nothing is forgotten. From how and when to do that one critical tracking shot to not forgetting a backup bottle opener because your good one is also a prop for the sophisticated dinner party shot. When you’d rather be sleeping, all those details do that thing in your brain where Mickey Mouse gets chased by the brooms.
But here’s the good news. Most of all that is not going to happen. Not the way you decided it would. And never was. Chances are, your best laid schemes will immediately fly wildly apart the moment you get there. And now that you can accept that, all you really need to do is take a deep breath.
Because you know that the solution is always very simple: Take the things working against you, think about them for a minute, and call them artistic choices.”
Read more HERE.
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