SCUBA COFFEE SERVICE (Clocking Out Comedy Series)
Production still frame from Clocking Out office comedy series. Tommy hates his job, so he’s getting himself fired. Break-room luau, desk to desk lightsaber fights, angry chicken. He has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. Here he surprises Lenny with scuba-gear coffee service. (photo by Jeremiah Kent)
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HIGH DESERT PROMO: Video, Stills, Music and More.
It's is a Western, with cars instead of horses . . . HIGH DESERT IS: Bare-knuckle fist fights. Big engines. Long, straight pavement. Horsepower. Detroit steel. Great, big skies. A hero not afraid to take his cut. An isolated community that likes it that way, where...
Wyndotte Street Promo: Hang In There!
There’s more at . . . Original sketch & series, live comedy & music and a whole lot more. Subscribe for a free bonus link from our variety show! Click below to watch out new promo . . .
Snobby Robot Guest Post: Filming your series? Plan for suck, aim for success.
Snobby Robot is a great site that covers filming in digital, new media and the entire web series community. They’ve given us a little more space to spout off about some of the things we’ve learned over the years while building Wyndotte Street. We don’t claim to know...
OUR SHOWS (Clocking Out, Naked Man, I’m@Work, Wally Panther, our Variety Show and more on the way)