PRODUCTION STILL: Sound Of Water Rising
While filming this scene of a sudden yard sale from The Sound Of Water Rising, people kept pulling over and making offers on what the character of Johnny (Bryan Kirkwood) was selling in front of his apartment building. There is footage in the film of someone making on offer on a nice blender which they were unhappy to learn was not actually for sale. (photo by Mark Ryan)
OUR BLOG (clips, essays and fun stuff we find around the web)
The Doors Are Open!
Welcome to Wyndotte Street! The doors are open on our new fancy site. Finally! It's been a long road, getting to this point. We'd like to thank all of the performers and crew, as well as our friends at Epiphany Digital Consulting, Social Reality, Clickbank and, most...
Hint: It’s A Chicken
What's a Wyndotte? Great question! First off, it's a fancy show chicken. And now its also a great experiment in online video, with new partners and a brand-new site . . . We launched on Thanksgiving with comedy, music and more on the way. Subscribe and be the first to...
Terrifying proof that James Cameron may be right. (HINT: Arbitrage!)
Dear Internets. Hello from Wyndotte Street. The reason for this post is to sound an alarm. We appear to be nearing a genuine online tipping point in terms of what James Cameron once called, "Stating the obvious with a complete sense of discovery." He evidently...
OUR SHOWS (Clocking Out, Naked Man, I’m@Work, Wally Panther, our Variety Show and more on the way)